Welcome to The iPhone Diaries!

This is a collection of some of my most personal and intimate work that I have ever produced. Among these shorts you will witness some of my happiest, saddest, chaotic, darkest and most spiritual moments I have experienced. From a heartbreaking marital separation to joyful occasions with family, friends and pets. You will listen to some of my favorite songs ever recorded. Ranging from Nat King Cole's heart rending interpretation of Charlie Chaplin's Smile to Chavela Vargas's seductive rendition of Macorina. 

I began producing these shorts in the fall of 2013 in my hometown of San Pedro in Los Angeles County and concluded in the spring of 2014 in Frazier Park, California. Using only Apple's iPhone 4, my process was a simple one... shoot while listening to the song... with headphones... that's it. There are no cuts, edits or enhancements... everything is simply... as it was. 


Richard Michael Raine